Kotsuzumi Nishiyama Sake Brewery (Hyogo)
Breweries That Have A brewing with more than 160 years Tamba, Hyogo Prefecture, and drink even in the weak People drink stuck to Fresh, and friendly, and IS Also aiming to Sake That complement the cuisine. And exported to 24 countries Overseas, the Perception of foreigners IS Also high. We Have Been directing Their own aesthetics appointed Watanuki Kosuke Mr. Artists in the design of Labels and bottles.
Words of master brewer
Eat and self-assertion IS strong, too it HAS A Presence, it IS not A strong Scent "" Flower "". In Addition, only it looks That Have Been Bred not even pretty "Flower". Beside the clear stream of babble That IS Deep in the Mountains of Tamba, it IS A drink That IS made with the image and the Gently Gently in Bloom "" Flower "". If there Beside you like me Reassure relieved, it IS the hope of hope IS the Presence of us wrapped. Is the Foundation the Sake rooted in cold Harsh Tamba of Culture, even where Deeply, to Pursue every Day the delicate taste, and Continue to Evolve. Street Yuhana IS SUCH A drink.
小鼓 路上有花 葵
純米大吟醸 山田錦
精米歩合50% 日本酒度+1
ロバート・パーカーが日本酒で最高得点をつけた酒 -
小鼓 路上有花 桃花
純米大吟醸 北錦
精米歩合50% 日本酒度+1
兵庫北錦の米の旨みがやさしく感じられる、女性向け -
小鼓 路上有花 黒牡丹
純米大吟醸 但馬強力
精米歩合50% 日本酒度+3
酒好きが選ぶ、ボディがしっかりしたインパクトある味わい -
小鼓 花吹雪 純米吟醸
純米吟醸 北錦
精米歩合58% 日本酒度+3
小鼓 花小鼓
精米歩合70% 日本酒度 未公表